How to customize Vista’s language bar diagram for Lenovo Notebook:

Lenovo Notebook

 1. On the taskbar Right-click the "Language Bar" icon and left-click "Settings."

2. Click "Chinese (Simplified) - American Keyboard" under the "General" tab in the "Text Services and Input Language" dialog box that opens, and then click the "Properties" button.

3. Click "Change Icon" in the pop-up "Keyboard Layout Preview" dialog box, select a desired icon in the "Change Icon" dialog box, and then click "OK" to exit. .

Note: If you do not find the icon you like in the list box, you can click the "Browse" button to find other icons that come with the system or icons downloaded from the Internet. For example: click "Browse", find shell32.dll in the System32 folder under the Windows folder on the C drive, select the "A" icon in the icon list box that opens, and then click "OK" to exit, so that "A" It will turn into the "Language Bar" icon.