There is no difference between parallel imports and licensed products of iPad2. Licensing goods just call for customs duties, while parallel imports are smuggled in without paying customs duties. Others are licensed products that are assembled in China after parts are shipped to China, or are directly manufactured in China. Parallel imports are directly smuggled in as complete units, and all manufacturing and assembly are completed abroad. Some people buy them in large quantities abroad and then smuggle them into China. In terms of hardware and software, there is no difference between licensed hardware and parallel imports. In terms of software, when parallel imports first came in, there was no Chinese language. After the merchants got the machines, they flashed them in large quantities and flashed the Chinese language.

The difference between ipad2 licensed goods and parallel imports

When buying parallel imports, you should pay attention to the outer packaging and machine , joint guarantee card, etc., it will show whether it is licensed or not. For example, if there is a barcode on the back of the box and the words CH/A on top of the barcode, it means it is domestically produced. The premise is that you have to see if the machine is unpacked in front of you. It’s best to check it before opening it. If you check it after opening it, the merchant will most likely not replace the phone for you!